Friday, January 2, 2009

Why I love having teenagers. . .

. . . they can COOK.

Prince Charming always has a hard time thinking of things he wants for Christmas. This year (last year?) he came up a list of foods (mostly desserts) that he would like someone to make. So Fatso, Czarina and Hoodie Girl all gave him coupons for baked goods (they didn't want to all bake at once!)

This week Fatso came up with his OWN RECIPE for a Moon Pie Cake. It was delicious! (Fortunately Prince Charming is generous and shared his gift with the family).

Tonight Czarina and Hoodie Girl are each having a friend spend the night. They asked me, "Can we make dinner tonight?" Um, yeah, I can live with that!


walking said...

Was it GF/CF? LOL????????

In the world, not of it said...

GF, of course, as everything here is, but not CF. The frosting had heavy cream in it.

Anonymous said...

Hey there!
The book is called "Manga Messiah," and we found it at Parable. The front cover includes katakana and hiragana writing (Japanese phonics)with authentic manga "expressions" on the faces of the biblical characters.

ALSO the whole text is found in The Manga Bible, which we don't have (yet) --

Have fun!