Monday, April 13, 2009

I just don't get it

I know I should be in bed instead of reading/watching the news online. . .

But I just don't get it. I'm reading about the girl in California that was apparently kidnapped and murdered, and possibly raped, by a female Sunday School teacher.

There are way too many cased of child abuse, molestation, etc.

How can someone treat a child that way? What possibly could be going through a person's mind that would make them do this?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Fish flavored Prozac

I wrote this in November, and just found it while looking for something else. It might make you laugh, so I'm posting it now:

I have a 1 ¼ inch jagged gash on the palm of my hand.

I got it while trying to give liquid, fish flavored Prozac to the cat formerly known as Peace, now referred to by me as “The Beast”.

The first 3 days, I was able to sneak up on her, grab her by the scruff of the neck, and stick the syringe in her mouth while she was hissing.

The 4th day, that didn’t work. I wrapped her in a large towel and one or two of the kids held her while I stuck the syringe in her mouth while she was hissing. That worked the 5th and 6th day, also. However, she got more and more violent each time, and it was the 6th day I received my wound.

On the 7th day, a couple of the kids and I tried to wrap her in the towel, but she kept disappearing inside of it. Cats have rubber bones and can contort themselves into all kinds of impossible positions. We did not succeed in getting the medicine in her on the 7th day. I was not willing to sacrifice any more of my blood. (I soaked through 4 bandaids when she scratched my hand on the 6th day).

On the 8th day, the kids’ friend Jizzle came home with us after church. Jizzle was shocked to think that we couldn’t get medicine into a cute fuzzy little 9 lb. critter, so he offered to help.

Or not. After quite a struggle, he decided he’d had enough.

Enter Prince Charming. “I’LL get her medicine in her.” (He’s so cute when he goes all macho.)

I did not know that Peace, er, The Beast, knew such horrible language. Prince Charming attempted to hold her in the air by the scruff of the neck until she got tired of struggling. I really wish we had a video of this. That cat is one awesome fighter. But she does have a potty mouth.

He had to let her go before she wore out, as she was coming very close to biting his hand. He later remarked that it didn’t seem right to get her so worked up just to try to get medicine in her to calm her down. (Reminds me of the time a nurse in a hospital woke my Mom up to give her a sleeping pill.)

A little later that day I saw Peace curled up on Space Cadet’s lap. Peace is Space Cadet’s cat, (although Peace would probably say Space Cadet is her Chief of Staff) and she is the one person in the family that has not assisted in attempting to dose the cat.

She’s a smart kid.

UPDATE: Five months later, Peace is still hissing at Prince Charming and I whenever we attempt to pick her up.