Thursday, March 19, 2009

Who needs the Comedy Channel?

My kids know that they are not supposed to give out personal information to strangers online. So when they play games online with people they don't know, they get creative. . .

Several years ago Fatso, when asked about his location and age, said he was an 87 year old cross-gender monk from Brazil.

Hoodie Girl recently had this exchange:

Random guy playing on Yoville (online game): What country are you from?

Hoodie Girl: Germany

Random guy: That’s a beautiful country

Hoodie Girl: I wouldn’t know. I’ve never been there.


Czarina has joined the local homeschool choir. In their patriotic performance, scheduled for May, she plays -- believe it or not -- a Russian immigrant. She has a rather lengthy speech to memorize about coming to America, and she is doing well with it. The main difficulty with us is that she is trying to learn proper grammar, and the character she plays does not have proper grammar.

There is one other difficulty she is having. As she talks about being on the ship and seeing the Statue of Liberty for the first time, she is supposed to say, "We rush over to the ship's rail to see her."

But she keeps saying, "We rush over the ship's rail to see her."

Rather a different word picture there. . . .

Friday, March 6, 2009

25 Random things about me

1. Some people think in pictures; I think in song lyrics.
2. I kissed dating goodbye while Joshua Harris was still a little boy.
3. I’ve been in 27 states and 7 countries.
4. I decided I wanted to adopt when I was 13 years old. . . then when I was 47, adopted a 13 year old.
5. I am athletically impaired.
6. I always enjoyed taking standardized tests.
7. I hate taking personality tests. They never offer the right options for me.
8. Much to my surprise, I find myself missing St. Petersburg, Russia, and hoping we can go back.
9. The best thing about being born into my family was that I couldn’t marry into it.
10. I am scientifically challenged.
11. I bake delicious but really ugly gluten free birthday cakes.
12. I grew up with the TV on all the time, and learned to hate it. My husband grew up with no TV at all, and wanted one. Our compromise: We have one TV, which we never watch.
13. My son says I am the worst Sonic (the hedgehog) player he has ever seen.
14. On the morning of September 11, 2001, I was getting a root canal.
15. I needed the root canal because of a tooth that broke while I was eating corn flakes.
16. The reason my tooth was in such bad shape to begin with was that I went 11 years without going to the dentist. (Too busy taking kids to various appointments).
17. I’m a multiple ovulator. My oldest child is a surviving triplet, and my youngest is a surviving twin.
18. I love having teenagers.
19. Monday is my favorite day of the week, because that is when our home school co-op meets and I get to teach Literature to a great group of Middle Schoolers.
20. My favorite places to shop are online and at thrift stores.
21. Czarina told the psychologist in Russia that Space Cadet & I were the kindest people she’d ever met.
22. I won the school spelling bee in 6th grade, and was anal about spelling for the next 25 years.
23. Christmas Day 1987, Prince Charming & I were on our honeymoon in California. We had lunch in Subways. There was a shabbily dressed young man sipping some ice water, and one of the employees was trying to get him to leave (because he wasn’t buying anything). Prince Charming took him to the counter and bought him lunch, and I thought, “Wow, I’m married to this wonderful man!”
24. I have never seen American Idol.
25. One of my children does not currently have a middle name.