Monday, January 26, 2009

Trusting in the Lord. . .

Honestly, I’m not much of a hymns person. I’d much rather listen or sing praise songs or contemporary Christian music (I love the Newsboys!!!!). But right now there are lyrics to a hymn going through my mind. . .

'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
Just to take him at his word;
Just to rest upon his promise,
Just to know, "Thus saith the Lord."

Jesus, Jesus, how I trust him!
How I've proved him o'er and o'er!
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
O for grace to trust him more!

Today was “Axe Day” at The Home Depot corporate office. Ten percent of the employees were laid off, including Prince Charming, whose last day will be Friday. We knew this was a strong possibility. Since he has only worked there a little more than a year, we weren’t sure of what his severance package would be.

This is the 4th time in our 21 year marriage that Prince Charming has been laid off. The other 3 times, we had a cushion in the bank. This time, we have none . . . we are living paycheck to paycheck. And with 4 teenagers in the house, including one who will be in college next year and one with special needs that we don’t yet have a plan for, and adoption debt, things are. . . tight.

But God has always taken care of us. Good things have come from each time Prince Charming has lost a job. Usually we’ve ended up financially ahead.

We are blessed that he has two months of severance pay/benefits and then will receive a lump sum equal to one month’s pay.

As Prince Charming calmly told me the news this evening, I reminded him that each time he has lost a job, he has been a great witness to those around him. Everyone else is usually freaking out, but he is trusting God. He actually was encouraging his boss who was very unhappy about having to tell employees they no longer had a job.

So, we are looking forward to seeing what God is going to do. Prayers are appreciated, though!


walking said...

I am so sorry about Prince Charming!!!! They sure do not give much notice. I think that is cruel!!!! I pray this will be a time where God comforts you every time you feel panicky and reference him! I'll pray for y'all!!!

Michelle said...

Oh, I'm so sorry!

I know these are the times that try our faith. I will definitely be praying for you all. God is good and I know that he will provide everything you need.