Monday, December 15, 2008

Earning her keep

The other night after we went to bed, Prince Charming and I heard some curious noises. Prince Charming guessed it to be a rodent. Well, we haven't had any signs of live mice in the house since we got Peace 8 1/2 years ago (although she has brought a few dead ones in from outside. Actually, that is when Prince Charming decided she was a contributing member of the family and gave her permission to sleep on Space Cadet's bed.)

Tonight, Space Cadet hadn't been in bed for very long when we heard some other curious noises. Space Cadet came upstairs and announced, "Peace brought me a present." Space Cadet had gotten up to do something she'd forgotten, turned on the light. . . and there it was, on the floor next to her shoes, a cute little gray dead mouse.

Space Cadet is grateful it wasn't IN one of her shoes.

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