Monday, October 20, 2008

The Incredible Edible Egg

When Space Cadet was small, she watched Beauty and the Beast roughly 5,000 times. Because of this, I have most of it memorized.

Recently this little verse has been going through my mind:

When I was a lad I ate four dozen eggs
Ev'ry morning to help me get large
And now that I'm grown I eat five dozen eggs
So I'm roughly the size of a barge

My family eats a lot of eggs, so I usually buy them in the five dozen packs. (Yes, if you were wondering, there actually are people who buy that many eggs at one time.) We repack them in 18 pack containers.

Last Monday, I bought 5 dozen eggs when I did my weekly grocery shopping. The kids, as usual, carried the groceries in for me. They are great that way.

On Friday, Hoodie Girl wanted to bake cookies for the middle school party. . . problem, there were only 3 eggs left.

Okay, I know certain people in our family really like eggs, but really. . . one dozen eggs a DAY? And I myself had only had TWO eggs in that time period. But that’s one of the things about having teenagers. They fix themselves food whenever they’re hungry. (Which is often). And they love eggs. This is why I have 6 frying pans.

Well, I had a few things I needed to pick up at Kroger, so I added eggs to the list.

The lady bagging my groceries commented on how many eggs I was buying. I told her the above story. (Well, except the lyrics from Beauty and the Beast.) I’m used to comments about my groceries. Particularly about the large amounts of hand soap I buy (thanks to my OCD handwashers. . . ), and the many pounds of bananas.

I paid for my groceries, walked out to my van, and. . . discovered the five dozen eggs I had purchased on Monday were STILL in my van. . .

Can anyone say Salmonella?

Well, Prince Charming thought I should add an egg fight to the list of festivities for the middle schoolers. . . I thought not.


walking said...

I've left dog food in the car and meat sitting on the counter over night, but never eggs! Ouch! Five dozen rotten eggs . . .

Pamela's preferred Disney flick was The Little Mermaid. They were born the same year! LOL!

Jersey Chick said...

Oh, how frustrating!! Maybe a Hard Boiled Egg toss for the Middlers?

Michelle said...

I don't know the guidelines on how long you can eat eggs after you leave the out, but I grew up all with free-roaming chickens. Often I'd find eggs in the pinestraw around our 21 acres, and it certainly wasn't always in the same day they were laid. My parents just always put them in the fridge and we ate them (who knows how long some of the "new" nests had eggs in them before we discovered them). LOL. We never once got sick from it. In fact, we were far healthier then, than my family is today.

In the world, not of it said...

Well, it gets pretty hot in that van during the day, and after 5 days. . . I decided I'd rather not risk it. I did check online and it said don't eat them after 2 hours of being out of the fridge. I think that's a bit extreme, though.