Monday, November 3, 2008

Wrap Rage

Last week I did something I've never done before. . . I made the minimum payment on one of our credit cards. We have ALWAYS paid our cards off each month. However, due to factors such as price hikes in gas and groceries this year, high medical costs, feeding 2 adults, 4 teenagers and 2 cats, and having a higher mortgage payment because we refinanced to pay for the adoption, things have been rather tight.

It's not a good feeling.

We have some medical things we HAVE to take care of, but I'm not sure how. I get frustrated with myself for not trusting God. He has always taken care of us before.

On Thursday evening I put a bunch of books, DVDs and CDs for sale on So far I have sold 7 items! That has been a blessing. It is not a huge amount of money, but it helps.

Remember my post about trying to open new CD's? Today when I logged on to to print out a packing list for one of my sales, I saw this:
(You have to click on it to get it big enough so you can read it.)

"Wrap Rage". What a concept. . .

1 comment:

walking said...

Wow! And, I thought I had heard everything!